Ab Attack! My Favorite Ab Exercises.

Today is all about the ab attack! Abs are my favorite area to target when working out. Gotta have that killer bikini bod in time for summer! Here are some of my favorite exercises that really are effective without taking up a lot of your time!

My absolute favorite is a killer exercise that targets those pesky lower abs. Trust me, you will feel the burn with this one. Start on your back with your legs extended straight up in the air. Contract your abs and squeeze your booty to pulse up with your lower body. Use control when coming down into the starting position. (2-3 reps of 20)

Another one of my favorites are leg lifts. Simply lay on your back with your legs tight and straight on the ground. Using your abs, raise your legs straight up and slowly lower until your heels are just off the ground. (2-3 reps of 20)

Standard crunches are another staple that really work those abs out. (2-3 reps of 20)

I use a couple variations of the plank in my routine. No matter what kind of plank you are doing, make sure your bum is not sticking up into the air. Proper form may be more challenge but you will get better results! To really take your planks to the next level, try rocking slightly forwards and backwards while holding proper form. Also try holding one arm or leg out straight while the rest of your body holds the plank. Then switch. (:30 or :45)

Another one that will really make you feel the burn is a shoulder shimmy ab dance. Start as if you are going to lay back to do sit-ups. Engage your abs and lower your upper body halfway down. Hold your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing in. Push one shoulder forward and then the other, all while engaging your abs. (1 song, ~4 minutes)

One tip that will help you achieve better results... make sure your lower back is pressed into the floor at all times. No saddle back here!

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