Easy Way to Toned Legs!

So a couple posts back, I showed you some tricks to create the illusion of longer legs. Well, those longer legs would look that much sexier toned, right? Here are four, easy workouts you can do at home to achieved toned legs! And the best part, no equipment required!

As I'm sure many of you are anticipating, squats are a must! However, being a dancer, I have found that plies work better when trying to tone up your thighs. Plies are almost exactly like squats but instead of having your legs parallel, stand shoulder width apart with your feet turned out. When you bend your legs, keep your knees pushed back, your pelvis/ booty tucked under, and your abs tight and engaged. I like to do about 100 plies in intervals of 20. (Don't forget, if you want to feel the burn in your arms too, keep them out to your sides as you do your squats or plies!)

Next lay down on your side, keeping your upper body propped up with your elbow. Bend the top leg and cross to the front of your body with your foot flat on the ground. Raise and lower the bottom leg (that should still be straight) slowly, making sure it is controlled. Think of lifting up from your inner thigh to get the best results! To start, aim for 50 in intervals of 10. Switch sides and repeat!

Since you are already on the ground, roll over onto your back and put both legs straight out. Doing dead leg raises and controlled released not only work out your legs, but also your abs! If you do not know what a dead leg raise is, you simply lift your legs at the same time, keeping everything tight and controlled. The trick is to pull up with your legs and abs! Use your hands as support under your lower back if needed. Start of doing 40 in intervals of 10. Trust me, you will feel the burn!

Lastly, an easy exercise to cool down with that helps tone calves. Standing about shoulder width apart, slowly rise onto the balls of your feet, also known as a releve. Keep your legs and tush engaged. Aim for 50 straight or until you feel a nice burn! If you don't have great balance, grab a chair, table, or even wall. Use to steady yourself but don't cheat and lean on your support!

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