Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Let's face it ladies, working out sounds like a good idea in theory but a lot of times motivation is hard to find. I know I am very guilty of this! Well, I'm going to share some of my tricks with you that I use to stay on track with my workout routine.

The most important thing is not to burn out right away. Ease yourself into a work out routine and start with less reps or weight. If you go too hard in the beginning you are going to come to hate it and stop completely. I know I would love to see results right away and want to work out super hard to get there, but I refrain. Results will come with time.

Create a calendar. This has been amazing for me. Because I like to change up the work outs I do, it can take some time and research to find good ones. I plan ahead of time what I want to do throughout the month and then enter it into a blank calendar on Microsoft Word. It's great because everything is planned out and when you complete a day you can check it off!

Now that you have your calendar, don't debate whether or not you are going to go through with that day's workout. As Nike infamously says, just do it! Set your mind to it and don't debate it throughout the day. If you do, chances are you are going to come up with many reasons not to do the work out.

If you need that extra boost of motivation, join a class. It could be yoga, spin, or my personal favorite, dance. I teach dance once a week for two hours and the girls, and myself, get a great workout. Also, you are less likely to skip your workout if you have to pay for it.

My most fun piece of advice is to put together a killer playlist. Choose a bunch of upbeat songs that get you pumped up and excited. It will make your workout go by so much quicker and it can even be fun! Some of my personal favorites (for you rockers out there) are: Guns N Roses, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Linkin Park, and In This Moment!

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